Sunday, 30 April 2017

Lets get high

As it is known, that humans get drunk or intoxicated by drinking alcohol or consuming drugs or narcotics. Due to this, they feel unusual like feeling elevated etc. Reasons would be for fun, under frustration,addiction etc.

But, there are a share of  other animals too who are no exception in getting high like humans.

Macropus rufogriseus rufogriseus Bruny
Tasmanian territory of Australia boasts poppy fields where opium poppy occurs. Alarmed farmers were shocked to discover crop circles in the fields. They suspect aliens behind the damage. But, the weird truth is right here. Wallabies or mini kangaroos consume opium flowers and get so much drugged that crop circle formation begins as their mob (group) begins to hop round and round in the fields. Thanks to the intoxicating effect in them.

As dolphins are known as the intelligent marine creatures, they do get nicely stoned. Puffer fish is the source of their drug to produce venom. But, here is the catch. The fish's venom would kill any organism if taken in large bouts. This means that these street smart mammals might use their brains to make the fish release minor amounts of venom. One member of the pod gets intoxicated due to its ingestion. Passing of this venomous fish to the entire pod is the end result. Quite akin to a group of humans having alcohol at a gathering.

Animals prefer another plant known as catnip. Going by its name, cats prefer it. Its chemical named Nepetalactone doesn't harm but causes temporary effects like drooling, hyperactivity, restlessness, which vanish after 15 minutes. Not all, but around 74% with a particular gene do react. Yes, Nepetalactone doesn't fail to produce reactions even in wild kitties ( lions, tigers, pumas etc.) too. Akin to catnip, yage plant of South American rainforests evoke these reactions in jaguars.

It is not just these mammals but there are others like reindeer getting intoxicated due to Amanita muscaria mushroom, dogs getting high on pot brownies etc. Even, there are insects like bees becoming intoxicated on fermented liquid who become more aggressive,less social, less busy and more idle. 

So, from these facts it is crystal clear that humans aren't the only species to get high or stoned.

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