Saturday, 27 February 2016

Deadliest of Australia- 2 (Killer seas)

Image courtesy of [by digitalart]

 But, if you are under impression that Australia's seas aren't dangerous and you can freely venture on those islands having a great time, think again.
The largest in the world, majestic, island of Australia boasts not only deadly terrestrial creatures, but also vicious marine killers. 

White shark

The biggest among carnivorous sharks- the great white shark is one among the deadliest sharks which we should avoid.There were large no. of reports of sharks injuring and even killing humans near to them, but the truth is that these marine killers confused humans as their prey like dolphins or seals.

Beautiful in appearance but vicious by nature,the blue-ringed octopus is another deadly killer characterized by blue- rings on its white body. 

We can even get a nasty sting if we step on the particular stones which are found in Australia's underwater. Don't mistake them for stones; they are the stone fishes, most venomous fish.

Same is true, for those surprise stingers found on Australia's beaches, the box jellyfish is no exception in being the deadliest known for many injuries and fatalities.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! i didn't know about stone fishes, that's something totally new Abhi. Thanks!
