Friday, 1 March 2013

Odd one outs

Well, you all must be knowing that all the members of the cat
family- be it big or small - are partially nocturnal hunters. But,
 the odd one out or exception in this case is the cheetah which prefers to hunt during the day time i.e. it's a diurnal hunter.
Image courtesy of Bernie Condon /

Now in case of lifestyle and hunting, surely the " king of the

beasts" has its name in exception for three reasons. 

Obviously, the lion is the most social among all the cats. It lives and hunts in groups (Other cats are solitary).

Secondly, The hairy part of the above beast is also being discussed which is found at the end of its tail i.e. the tuft, which isn't  found in any other cat.

It is also an exception in being sexually diamorphic among all the cats with male being taller, majestic and handsome.


  1. Speaking on odd one, today I saw a blue bird burying a seed. Would you happen to know what kind of bid is that and why would they burry given the likely hood of finding it again seem so little.
