Sunday, 30 July 2017

Confusables in the animal world- 2

Nature has created every critter different and unique. But, there are some who appear more alike enabling it hard to contrast  between them. So, its time to list many more alike looking critters of the animal kingdom. 

Two popular animals of the biological order Lagomorpha i.e. hare (1st image) and rabbit (2nd image) confuse us two.  But, differences exist regarding their appearances and behaviors. Hares are larger and more speedy than rabbits. Even, their birth appearances is one ideal way of distinguishing which reveal their contrasts. The former's off springs (hare) are hairy and visually active while latter (rabbit) is being born hairless and blind.

Feldhase, Lepus europaeus 3a
Oryctolagus cuniculus Tasmania 2

Shelled critters of the animal kingdom also called as chelonians (tortoises and turtles) have one major difference i.e. their shells. Tortoises boast dome shaped shells while the latter has streamlined shells.  Other differences are tortoises are mostly terrestrial while turtles are aquatic in nature. Diet wise, tortoises prefer veggies while turtles prefer omnivorous diet.


We would remain stunned upon a new revelation done by scientists that there aren't two but three species of camels. Along with Dromedary (one-humped) camel, two varieties of Bactrian camels exist i.e. domestic and wild. Thanks to their contrasts making it easier to contrast domestic individuals from wild. Domestic individuals boast dense and furry coats while the wild individuals boast scanty hairs and flatter skulls. So, now it makes sense that camels aren't just domestic but wild animals too.

Khongoryn Els, Gurvansaikhan NP, Gobi desert, Mongolia

When we hear the word 'bison', we refer to the brown, shaggy cattle like animal of North America also called as 'American buffalo'. But, one mustn't forget that the American bison (1st image) also has its larger cousin inhabiting the forests of Russia and Eastern Europe i.e. the European bison (Wisent) (2nd image)

Scientifically, both are bison. A bison is mostly referred to an American bison. But, even the European bison is also a bison. It boasts its own contrasts from its American cousin. The European bison (Wisent) boasts 14 ribs while the American bison boasts 15 ribs. Height is another feature with the European bison (Wisent) taller than its American cousin.  Due to this,  wisent (European bison) are designed for being a folivore (herbivore which predominantly feasts on leaves/ a browser) and its American cousin for being a graminivore (herbivore which predominantly feasts on grass/ a grazer).
Buffalo Herd in Yellowstone

So, both these posts would surely eliminate your confusion regarding these animals. 

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Confusables in the animal world-1

In the animal world,  every animal is different by appearance. But, there are certain animals who are different species but look the same by certain angles.

This post which will be having two parts will help in clearing the confusion between those animals which deceive us with their strikingly similar looks.

The two spotted big cats which are the leopard and the jaguar deceive people by their appearances. But, their differences can be sorted out by jaguar being more bulkier than the leopard. Also, jaguars boast a central spot in their rosettes which are absent in leopards (in the images below). 

Interestingly, these big cats are also distinguished by their ecological roles. Jaguar's ecological role is akin to that of a tiger while a leopard's ecological role is akin to a cougar.

Leopard on the tree

Standing jaguar

Eminent predatory reptiles i.e. crocodilians too deceive people by their appearances.  The most notable example is in case of a crocodile and an alligator. People think they are the same. Their main contrast can be found in the shape of their jaws. Crocodile's jaws create a narrow V- shape whereas gator's (alligator's) jaws form a wide U-shape. 

Amazingly, crocodiles are more tolerant of salt water due to which they inhabit salt -water habitats along with fresh water ones. Thanks to their mechanism which is akin to crying which removes excessive salt. Due to this mechanism's absence, gators habitat is centered only around freshwater habitats (lakes and rivers).  
Crocodile farm in Mexico


Pinnipeds namely seals and sea lions do throw people off (to confuse). Thanks to their strikingly similar appearances.  But, seals lack ear flaps while sea lions do not.  Bigger flippers are found in sea lions but absent in seals. [California sea lion (above) and Harbor seal (below)]
California sea lion in La Jolla (70568)

Common Seal Phoca vitulina

And, the most final difference is between the two apes with same genera i.e. the chimpanzee and the bonobo. One quick way of contrasting them is by their lip colors. Bonobos boast pink lips while chimps boast dark lips. 

The other notable difference is the opposite genders of their family leaders. Bonobo's family is matriarchal while chimp's family is exactly the opposite. Yet amazingly, bonobos are an endemic species i.e. found only in the rain forests of Democratic Republic of Congo.
Gombe Stream NP gegenseitiges Lausen

Bonobo (Pan paniscus) at Lola Ya Bonobo - 3

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Faecal facts

As everyone knows scats (stools) are one of the most disgusting things on the planet for us. But, not for certain animals. It is a thing of requirement for their lives.

Image courtesy of [nopparats01] at
We will be amazed to find that even non- human animals also developed networking styles. While we use Facebook, Linked in, What's app as our social networks, rhinos like White rhinoceroses use their poop as their social network. Their dung loads give chemicals which convey one individual about other individual's gender, reproductive status, territory etc. To gain access, these bulky pachyderms do not have to type in password or search for a person as we do. Instead, they just have to sniff the dungs in a midden (their local toilet) to obtain the information.

Waterberg Nashorn2

Baboon eating elephant dungA person would be considered 
very much abnormal if he/she eats dung. But, it is perfectly fine if  these animals feast on dung. Not their own but also other's dung.  This habit called coprophagia is found in rabbits, dogs, some non-human primates and even young ones of koalas, elephants and hippos. Totally gross for us but not for them. This is really effective as these scats contain essential nutrients and even undigested materials. But for the young animals, feasting on poop produces a good bacteria in their guts crucial for normal digestion. Indeed, these crucial things would have been wasted had these animals not feasted on them.

It is not just mammals but birds do use these gross stuff. Vultures are one of such birds. These scavenging raptors apply poop on their feet to beat the heat. One species i.e. the Egyptian vulture feasts on ungulate's (hooved animals) dungs. Not for its health, but to improve its appearance. These feces boost the yellow and orange colors on its skin. This can come handy while wooing the females. Thus, the piles of dung act as cosmetics for these raptors (birds of prey).  

Scarabaeus laticollis 2One of the popular animals in this category are insects like dung beetles. They feast on them as their name tells. They are also beneficial in agriculture as they bury and consume the dung which leads to improvement in nutrient recycling and soil structure. Amazingly, these insects also remove cattle dung by not providing habitat to flies. Indeed, these hard working critters could also be farmer's best friends.

Of course, poop is something which we don't but these animals will find them very useful for their survival.