Saturday, 26 November 2016

Shields of survival

In the world of animals, there are animals who have certain features to withstand from the nature's harsh features or conditions. This post will tell about animals with their amazing shields.

As we all know, that camels are known as the ships of the desert for the right reason. Along with its ability to go for longer periods without water, ability to feed on rough vegetation, hooves to even carry over rough terrains, they possess three eyelashes to shield their eyes and keep the blowing desert sand at bay.

Towering beasts- giraffes do boast one of the toughest skins in the animal kingdom which shields them from the sharp Acacia tree's thorns while feeding on its leaves.
Fennec Foxes

Along with camel, there is another xerocole (desert resident) which does have other shielding features.. One of these is the Fennec fox. This fox has the largest ears which enable to release lot of heat. Also, its feet have thick fur around their paws to shield is feet from the warm desert sand from burns.

Blubber is an ideal element that is found to keep warm in polar marine animals like walruses,whales,seals,penguins and even polar bears. It is weird to mention a bear in this category, but polar bears  are both bears as well as marine mammals depending much on ice floes and spend lot of duration of their time swimming.

Similarly, the terrestrial polar animals like polar bears, foxes,
wolves, hares have fur in between their toes to shield from the frosty grounds. Without this fur, they would become victims to frostbite (a medical condition affecting skin and tissues which are far from heart due to freezing).

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Time to express- 2 (Meanings in the sounds)

To continue from where I stopped my last post, let's talk about how do animals express their feelings or generally communicate in terms of their sounds. It is true that just as we talk for a reason, animals do make sounds which have many purposes. 

Big cats like lions roar not only to shield their territory from other lions but also to communicate and bring back the scattered members of the pride. But, when these predators roar, they can even extend their duration and this voice can be heard far away.In case of tigers, roaring duration is shorter compared to lions. They roar to communicate with other  tigers, after bringing down their prey and even during mating. Also, these pantherines (big cats) have a wider vocal repertoire compared to other wild cats. They make sounds like  'prusten' or chuffing' which sounds like a rattling snort through the nose. Other sounds used are grunt while charging, woof when startled, hiss when getting in an attack mode etc.

Elephants usually make low rumbles to communicate within the herd. They trumpet when they are surprised or excited. Quite surprisingly, giraffes too aren't silent actors in the animal kingdom. These towering giants do make sounds and some voices vary among sexes for different purposes like bulls ( males ) will cough while courting whereas does ( females ) will bellow to call their calves back and calves will bleat and moo for simply communicating. In 2014, scientists have revealed in their research that giraffes do make a strange humming sound at night which is akin to motor bike's engine and the purpose is still a puzzle for scientists whether they are communicating with other giraffes or in their dreams.
Image courtesy of [Humpata1] at
For some animals, their vocalizing time comes only during the mating season to attract females. Like deer species like moose, red deer, fallow deer during the rut where the males bellow loudly to attract females. The same is evident even in reptiles like crocodiles, alligators where the bulls (males) also bellow to attract cows(females)  as well as to convey sexual readiness. Even, the largest species of birds, ostriches follows the same ritual where the males make booming sounds akin to lion's roar to impress the mates. 

But, some make sound for their meal quest. It is evident in micro (small) bats and only one species of mega (big) bat- the Egyptian fruit bat, dolphins, sperm whales where this process called echolocation is used.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Time to express-1

Animals express themselves by sounds, gestures, facial expressions and other body language. Let's talk about how animal express themselves to their own members as well to humans in case of some animals.
Pets like dogs and cats are known to humans and they do have their own sets of amazing body languages for expressing. It is often told that when dogs wag their tails they say hello or greet. But, don't get fooled by all types of wagging as greets. When it wags to the left it is scared or frightened, slow tail wagging expressing insecurity and rapid ones express aggression. Only when it wags to the right, it is really greeting. When it lies on its back, with paws bent and raised, it says 'You' re my love bug'. Even, when they sneeze they let known other dogs that they are aren't being aggressive but playful.

Cats are no less in body languages They make 100 different sounds while dogs can make only 10. When these felines make a meowing sound they aren't communicating with other cats, but with humans as mewing refers to humans or something to humans in their language. As they are capable of meowing, they are also known to imitate the sound of crying babies if they know that their owners have babies to know that they too are hungry.Also, when these felines are pets they rub their heads on their owners so that to convey their trust.

Apart from dogs and cats, even other animals have been known to express themselves by their own means. Rubbing and holding body parts are two most important expressing methods. Elephants are known to hold each other's trunk not only to greet but also to console other individuals. Polar bears rub each others noses so as to get what they want. In a pride, lions rub each others heads for greeting etc.

This type of behavior holds true for chameleons where they change their colors not only for camouflage but also for indicating moods, temperature changes etc. Brighter colors signify aggression whereas dull or pale colors signify submission.

Sunday, 6 November 2016


It is true that humans have accents based on different regions where they are found like English language accent of U.S. is different from that of U.K. and other countries.

But, this post will reveal that even animals have accents based on regions they are found. 

In the animal kingdom, domestic animals are documented to have accents. Goats have different accents on regions in which they are found. Even, cows have been reported of mooing in different accents. The presence of accents is evident even in birds. Sparrows and many song birds do boast this quality.

Macaca fuscata, grooming, Iwatayama, 20090201It is not only the domestic ones which are found to have accents. Even, the wild ones have them too. Japanese macaques (snow monkeys) boast different accents on the basis of  geographical region of troops where they are found. By the way, these primates are known to buy eatables from vending machines by using thrown coins. And, while playing in the snow they do make snowballs like us for the same purpose - for fun. 

 Even, cetaceans (sea mammals that resemble fish) like whales and dolphins are also reported to have accents. Scientists believe that blue whales of nine different regions have different accents.