Some animals have been noted for their off beat characteristic features and behaviors. This blog illustrates some examples of this topic.
Small,cute mouse like Arctic rodents known as lemmings are known to commit mass suicide by jumping off high clips into the waters. Don't get horrified as this is a part of their migratory behavior. If you are curious about how they do, click this link and watch them in action

One of those species of mountain vultures, the lammergeier (bearded vulture) has a weird habit of dropping bones from massive heights.They aren't playing any game. When a bone is dropped and it cracks open, their diet emerges - the bone marrow.
Crocodiles too are known to produce tears just like us.Don't get emotional as it happens naturally to them when they swallow too much air while eating.
The lumberjacks of the animal kingdom, beavers are known for their behavior of cutting trees and building their homes, the lodge with them. The lodge almost looks like a cave made from collection of straw, logs ,mud etc. Nice, cozy homes for them to guard from predators. They are also known for the dams built by them.
We do have the right to thank God for creating such animals which can benefit the ecosystem. See below, serially, Beaver, Beaver dam and Beaver's lodge.

One of those species of mountain vultures, the lammergeier (bearded vulture) has a weird habit of dropping bones from massive heights.They aren't playing any game. When a bone is dropped and it cracks open, their diet emerges - the bone marrow.
Crocodiles too are known to produce tears just like us.Don't get emotional as it happens naturally to them when they swallow too much air while eating.
We do have the right to thank God for creating such animals which can benefit the ecosystem. See below, serially, Beaver, Beaver dam and Beaver's lodge.